Fachgruppe Informatik


Cookie Talks

To be always informed, just sign up on the Cookie-Talks mail distribution list.

The lecture series of the Fachgruppe Informatik: In a relaxed atmosphere with cookies and drinks. The topics range from purely technical talks, to hands-on topics, to general study-related topics.

Dates in the winter semester 2023/24

You want to give a Cookie Talk yourself? Just get in touch: fachgruppe@informatik.uni-goettingen.de
A lot of the talks are by and for students, feel free to join us!

All talks will take place in room 0.101 in the computer science institute, unless otherwise announced.

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Dates in the summer semester 2023

Dates in the winter semester 2022/23.

Diese Themen stehen schon fest (es gibt ein oder zwei Vorträge pro Abend):

Dates during the winter semester 2021/22.

Dates during the summer semester 2021.